What Is A Documentation Publishing System?
Producing and managing tech docs effectively involves selecting the right system
A documentation publishing system is what you need to clean up your documentation mess and turn chaos into order. It's like having a personal assistant helping you create, manage, and publish all those docs without pulling your hair out. Whether you're producing user manuals, product guides, or FAQs, the right system helps get everything out the door without all the drama.
Why You Might Need A New Documentation Publishing System
Your team isn't alone if it's tangled in a content hairball. Most companies hit a point where their documentation pipeline gets so clogged that every new update feels like an epic battle.
You're constantly searching for the correct file, struggling to manage a backlog of change requests, untangling outdated info, and redoing work. A documentation publishing system untangles that hairball and helps you operationalize content production.
And let's be honest: If your company hasn't adopted a formal documentation system yet, you probably have one—it's just not likely to be very effective. Maybe you're storing documents in folders on the network, struggling to track down the latest version. Every update becomes a scavenger hunt; managing edits feels like spinning plates. An appropriate publishing system fixes all that.
Types of Documentation Publishing Systems
Component Content Management Systems (CCMS)
Do you have a bunch of content that you reuse? Do you find yourself repeatedly copying content from one document or source and pasting it into another? And when it comes time to update that content, can you remember all the places that you pasted it earlier?
If you're like most of us, you can’t.
A CCMS is the answer. It divides your content into smaller, reusable parts that it stores in one place but displays in multiple locations. Tools like Heretto specialize in this, helping teams manage content across channels and keep things consistent.
Help Authoring Tools (HATs)
If you're creating help documents and knowledge bases, you might find creating and managing your content with a Help Authoring Tool of value. These systems allow you to produce documentation with searchable content and straightforward navigation. Adobe RoboHelp is one big name in this space.
Docs-as-Code Systems
For teams that think like—and collaborate with—software developers, Docs-as-Code systems let you manage your documentation just like software. You'll use plain text, version control, and automation to keep everything up-to-date and in sync. If you like working in Markdown and pushing updates via Git, Docusaurus, or Sphinx might be your jam.
Wiki-Based Systems
When you need different types of contributors to work together on docs, a wiki-based system may be worth a look. These platforms, like Confluence and MediaWiki, let multiple people edit content in real time.
Some fast-moving teams find that wikis are helpful for keeping docs current without causing friction amongst contributors. However, wikis can become more challenging to manage as teams grow or content becomes more complex and fast-paced. Tracking updates, ensuring consistency, and maintaining quality can become overwhelming without stricter controls or more advanced content management features.
Static Site Generators (SSGs)
A Static Site Generator (SSG) might be a good fit for creating a software documentation website where the content doesn't need to change frequently. Some technical documentation teams — often in software start-ups—use these generators to create documentation websites, technical blogs, or product manuals when the content doesn't require frequent updates. The result is a fast, lightweight site that quickly loads because it doesn't rely on a backend to process requests.
However, while SSGs are solid options for relatively stable content, they can be less suitable for documentation that requires frequent updates, as even small changes might require regenerating the entire site.
Tools like Jekyll and Hugo turn your raw content into a fast-loading website. However, you'll need technical skills to set up a website. There are hundreds of static site generators that might work for your purposes.
Is It Time for an Upgrade?
If your documentation process is constantly clogged, you need a better system.
The right documentation publishing system can help you unclog that content hairball, giving you the tools to create, manage, and deliver docs without the headaches.
It's time to ditch your outdated file folder-based content storage system and stop relying on band-aid solutions to overcome publishing hiccups. When your documentation team has the right tools and knows how to use them well, your publishing efficiency will increase, and your stress will drop significantly.